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Message Passing (MPI)


The following table lists available MPI compiler commands and the underlying compilers, compiler families, languages, and application binary interfaces (ABIs) that they support.

MPI Compiler Command Default Compiler Supported Language(s) Supported ABI's
mpicc gcc, cc C 32/64 bit
mpicxx g++ C/C++ 32/64 bit
mpifc gfortran Fortran77/Fortran 95 32/64 bit
GNU mpigcc gcc C 32/64 bit
GNU mpigxx g++ C/C++ 32/64 bit
GNU mpif77 g77 Fortran 77 32/64 bit
GNU mpif90 gfortran Fortran 95 32/64 bit
Intel mpiicc icc C 32/64 bit
Intel mpiicpc icpc C++ 32/64 bit
Intel impiifort ifort Fortran77/Fortran 95 32/64 bit

Last update: May 31, 2021