Introduction to OpenFOAM

  • Venue:


  • Date:


  • Speaker:

    Jordan Denev

  • Time:


  • As a joint effort of the Project bwHPC-s5 and the Project NHR@KIT, the Steinbuch Centre for Computing is hosting an introductory level online-course on the parallel use of OpenFOAM software for (future) users of the bwUniCluster or HoreKa supercomputers. The course will be held online on November 11, 2022 from 9:30 to 15:00. The course covers topics like using modules for choosing the OpenFOAM version, some linux commands, submitting parallel jobs or setting up harddisk space for the computations as well as OpenFOAM tutorials.

    Participants are advised to set up an Account on bwUniCluster or bwFORCluster or HoreKa. Registration and further information on: indico.