Funded within the National High-Performance Computing center at KIT (NHR∂KIT), the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) welcomes academic visitors at all career levels (undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, as well as senior researchers) who want to collaborate with researchers at SCC on topics that are relevant for NHR∂KIT. The duration of the stay is typically in the range of two weeks up to three months.
To be supported by this program, interested researchers are invited to get in touch with researchers at SCC who are interested in collaborating with them and to apply to the center accordingly. Collaborations are possible with all departments and research groups at SCC.
Depending on the career level, there are two options for the support of the stay:
For Early Stage Researchers, PhD students
Target Group: Early Stage Researchers, defined as PhD students or PhD aspirants including undergraduate and graduate students
Duration of research stay: Two weeks to three months
What we offer you:
- Research project in High-Performance Computing
- a unique network of HPC experts
- a mobility allowance paid as a lump sum:
- to support the costs of travel including transport between place of permanent residence and Karlsruhe/Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, visa, insurances and similar,
- with an amount dependent on the country of permanent residence within a range of 225€ to 3.000€ depending on travel distance, equivalent to the rates provided by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) for travel allowances for up to 12 months,
- an accommodation allowance paid as a lump sum:
- to support the costs of accommodation in Karlsruhe during the research stay,
- with an amount of 54 € per day, 300 € per week (if at least three workdays) or 1.200 € per month (if more than 22 days in a month).
Application process: Please send your application including the following documents to visit∂
- short motivation letter
- description of your research project/PhD thesis, and suitability to KIT High-Performance Computing research
- agreement of a SCC researcher to act as your host
- curriculum vitae including indication of citizenship, indicating current affiliation with home institution
- support letter signed by your PhD supervisor or other academic staff at your home institution
- if required due to citizenship: scan/copy of your VISA or other title for research purposes in Germany and/or Schengen-Area.
Your application will be processed within KIT. The decision will be made by a committee which consists of two directors of the Steinbuch Centre for Computing and an Equal Opportunities Officer or delegate.
Deadline for application: 15th April and 1st September each year
Selection Criteria:
- compliance with application requirements
- conclusiveness of motivation for the stay
- quality/suitability of research project with special regard to High-Performance Computing issues researched at KIT
- qualification of the candidate.
Please note: You will receive a notice of receipt of your application. Each successful candidate will be asked to sign an infrastructure use and grant agreement before or at arrival to KIT. You are kindly asked to give a talk in one of our scientific seminars during your stay at KIT.
For postdocs and experienced scientists
Target Group: Postdocs or experienced Scientists from academia for noncommercial purpose
Duration of research stay: Two weeks to three months
What we offer for your guest scientists:
- Collaboration on a joint noncommercial research project in High-Performance Computing
- A mobility allowance paid as a lump sum:
- to support the costs of travel including transport between place of permanent residence and Karlsruhe/Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, visa, insurances and similar,
- with an amount dependent on the country of permanent residence within a range of 200€ to 4.275€ depending on travel distance, equivalent to the rates provided by the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung for travel allowances for up to 3 months
- an accommodation allowance paid as a lump sum:
- to support the costs of accommodation in Karlsruhe during the research stay,
- with an amount of 89 € per day (up to 22 days in a month), or 2.000 € per month (if more than 22 days in a month).
Application process: KIT staff may nominate qualified postdocs or experienced scientists. If nominated please submit your application to visit∂ including the following documents:
- description of a joint research project, and suitability to KIT High Performance Computing research
- agreement of a SCC researcher to act as your host
- curriculum vitae including indication of citizenship
- if required due to citizenship: scan/copy of your VISA or other title for research purposes in Germany and/or Schengen-Area,
- indication of the institution the nominee would be affiliated with during the stay
The application will be processed within KIT. The decision will be made by a committee which consists of two directors of the Steinbuch Centre for Computing and an Equal Opportunities Officer or delegate.
Deadline for application: 15th April and 1st September each year
Selection Criteria:
- compliance with application requirements
- conclusiveness of motivation for the stay
- quality/suitability of research project with special regard to High-Performance Computing issues researched at KIT
- qualification of the candidate
Please note: In case of success, the nominee will be asked to sign an infrastructure use and grant agreement before or at arrival to KIT. You are kindly asked to give a talk in one of our scientific seminars during your stay at KIT.
Contact at Scientific Computing Center: visit ∂does-not-exist.scc kit edu